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  • Most 30 year olds will start seeing subtle to mild changes in aging such as lines in the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes (crow’s feet), in addition to shadows under the eyes (tear troughs) and around the mouth (nasolabial folds).
  • Some individuals are genetically predisposed to start these changes even earlier. Treating the lines and shadows now will minimize deepening of these lines and shadows later.

All 30 year old patients

  • Continue medical sunscreen daily with a good UVA block and spf of 30 (Visage MD sunguard). Medical sunscreens with UVA protection, not SPF, are the key to minimizing aging.
  • Add daily topical antioxidant (Visage MD CE Brightening serum) to help sunscreen and retinoid work more effectively.
  • Consider a low dose tretinoin (Exfolibright C) to nightly regimen to begin treating sun damage, collagen loss, brown spots, fine lines, poor texture, and large pores.
  • Add medical grade facials (Hydrafacial MD) every 6-8 weeks in addition to daily skin care regimen to boost home skin care.

Optional or as needed:

  • Consider treating sun damage (brown spots, poor texture, if present) early to minimize aging changes to skin using intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, topical Exfolibright C, or pigment peels (Visage MD peels).
  • Consider age-appropriate lip augmentation to maintain lip shape and to prevent drooping of corners of mouth.
  • Ultherapy is a great preventative treatment for the 30 year old who wants to maintain or improve current brow position, jawline, or neckline and is highly recommended at this stage (or earlier). Ultherapy is also great for individuals who want to lift loose skin that they are just beginning to see. Many individuals have both loss of volume and skin laxity so it’s important to determine if volume is needed in addition to Ultherapy to avoid an underwhelming Ultherapy result.
  • This is a good time for individuals to consider Dysport or Botox for any lines in the upper face such as between brows or in forehead that are present at rest (without any movement) to prevent deepening.
  • Consider facial fillers (Restylane Lyft) to midface to support cheek tissue and minimize nasolabial folds and lower lid hollowing (tear troughs). Fillers can also help plump a thin lip, sharpen your jawline, or add cheek contour. Fat transfer and implants are also options for volume.
  • Begin medical microneedling or Radiofrequency microneedling (Infini Genius) to treat acne scarring.
  • Chin fat begins to build during this decade. Consider Coolsculpting or Kybella or neck liposuction to maintain neckline.

Unsure where to start? Call us for a complimentary cosmetic consultation and we can create a customized prevention plan just for you!

Aging Prevention in Your 30’s, Northside Plastic Surgery

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