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This patient received the following procedures:

  • 69 year old female bothered by her low eyebrows, heavy upper eyelid skin, puffy lower eyelids with excess lower eyelid skin, jowling with deep marionette folds and nasolabial folds, neck heaviness, and excess skin in neck. On exam, the patient was noted to have prominent buccal fat pads on both sides. Also noted was a windpipe that leaned forward limiting the ability to flatten her chin and neck profile. After images show the patient after a Natural Browlift, Natural Eyelid Lift for upper and lower eyelids, buccal fat pad removal on both sides, facelift with neck lipo, and fat grafting to her lower eyelids, midface, cheek, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jawline, and chin regions.

Individual results may vary.

Buccal Fat Removal Before and After | Northside Plastic Surgery

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