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What is Smartlipo?

Smartlipo is a groundbreaking innovation in liposuction technology. This advanced liposuction system is effective on almost any area of the body, including double chin fat, and fat deposits on neck, arms, back, thighs and abdomen.

How Does Smartlipo Work?

Smartlipo uses an advanced laser technology to heat and liquefy fat cells for efficient fat removal, along with a gentler fat extraction method. Smartlipo treatments have an added benefit: the treatments trigger natural collagen production in the treated area for improved skin elasticity and results that are firmer and smoother than what can be achieved with traditional lipo.

Smartlipo vs. Liposuction

Smartlipo differs from liposuction in several key ways:

  • Smartlipo involves the use a laser to heat and liquefy fat so it is freed from the surrounding tissue and more easily extracted. This technique provides a smoother result than traditional liposuction.
  • The use of laser energy during Smartlipo stimulates natural collagen production in the tissues in the treated area for improved skin elasticity and a smoother outcome.
  • Smartlipo reduces the likelihood of bruising and bleeding as the laser energy closes the small blood vessels and capillaries in the area being treated.
  • Traditional liposuction poses a risk of leaving the skin surface lumpy or uneven, particularly if the patient’s skin lacks elasticity. Smartlipo reduces the likelihood of an uneven or lumpy result.
  • Smartlipo uses a smaller cannula or probe for smaller incisions, and faster healing.
  • Smartlipo has a shorter recovery time, and the need to wear a compression garment for less time. Regular liposuction may require a recovery time of several weeks or more before the bruising and swelling subside.
  • The results from Smartlipo are visible within the first few days. Traditional liposuction often takes weeks before results are achieved, due to extensive swelling and bruising.

Why Choose Northside Plastic Surgery?

Northside Plastic Surgery is a premier clinic for cosmetic enhancement procedures, including liposuction in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Klein and his team are friendly, knowledgeable and welcoming, and offer state-of-the-art cosmetic technology. The clinic is an oasis, where you will feel relaxed, comfortable, and cared for.

You can have your questions answered in a private consultation at Northside Plastic Surgery in Atlanta and discover whether Smartlipo can achieve your personal goals for reshaping your body. Dr. Klein will assess your medical history, discuss what you hope to achieve, and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve the body shape you envision.

Am I a Candidate for Smartlipo?

A candidate for Smartlipo is in good general health and is within 30 pounds of an ideal weight. If you want to reduce fat deposits that are not responding to diet or exercise, such as love handles, fat below the chin or fat on the upper thighs, abdomen, upper arms, or back, Smartlipo may be the answer. As Smartlipo is minimally invasive, it is safe for the majority of patients. The best way to determine SmartLipo is right for you is to schedule a private consultation at Northside Plastic Surgery.

What is the Recovery Time from Smartlipo?

The recovery time after Smartlipo varies from patient to patient, from a day or two, or up to a week. When several body areas have been resculpted, a few more days of recovery is expected. Some treated areas may require wearing a compression garment for a short period after treatment. That being said, the recovery time with Smartlipo is far less than is experienced with traditional liposuction treatments.

Patients can expect to return to work or their normal daily routine within the first few days after the procedure. Depending on the areas treated, it may be suggested to refrain from strenuous activities for one to two weeks after the treatment. Our board-certified plastic surgeon and our professional medical team can help you finally achieve a trimmer, fitter, more sculpted shape with Smartlipo treatments.


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