Botox Touch Up
Botox touch up
Neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, are the most popular cosmetic treatments performed in the world. The amount of the neuromodulator used and the areas treated depend on the person’s muscle activity and pattern. Each person is different and, as such, require a different amount of neuromodulator.
Frequently, patients who have been treated with these agents sometimes find they need a touch more product, since one side of the face is usually (greater than 90% of the time) different than the other. Touch ups are common with all 3 products.
Should you get a Botox touch-up? Yes…and no. Neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin last, on average, 12-14 weeks. A touch up is a good idea only if you need it and if you’re in the initial 14-21 day window. Why? Because if the touch up is given 14 days after the initial treatment, that Botox touch up will last 14 days longer than the rest of the treatment so for 2 weeks or so, you may have an unusual appearance. If you get the touch up at 21 days after the initial treatment, then that Botox touch up will last 21 days longer than the initial treatment, making you look odd for 3 weeks after all of the original Botox wears off.
Patients sometimes feel that plastic surgeons don’t do touch ups after 2-3 weeks because we lose money; not’s actually in our patient’s best interest. If you’re more than 3 weeks out from your original injection, it’s best to wait until your next treatment.