lifestyle lift Atlanta GA? What is it?
The lifestyle lift is a specific type of mini-facelift that is trademarked. I am not a lifestyle lift surgeon but we offer a mini-facelift named the Natural Mini-facelift that minimizes the stigma of facelifts that we are all too familiar with (such as the ‘artificial, waxy’, pulled earlobes, etc.). Because I am not a lifestyle lift surgeon and because the name is trademarked, I cannot say I specifically perform the lifestyle lift itself; however, I can say, like many plastic surgeons, I do perform a mini-facelift and an S-lift, which is a general category of lifts that include the lifestyle lift.
Is it for everyone? Mini-facelifts, like many things in life, are not one size fits all. Seek out a surgeon who performs all types of facelifts including mini-facelifts to see what you may need. For example, a mini-facelift can improve jowling but it probably won’t address any significant extra skin or muscle in the neck, in which a full necklift with a mini-facelift may be the best approach. Visit our website: