Rhinoplasty Surgery: Top 5 Reasons to Want it
Rhinoplasty Surgery: Top 5 Reasons to Want It
First, a little background on our practice. Our practice draws patients from 6 continents and all across the United States. Approximately 30% of the rhinoplasty surgery I perform is on males. We see hundreds of patients a month in consultation, and operate on up to 7 noses a week during our busy months. Half of the noses we operate on are revisions for other surgeons.
Rhinoplasty Surgery (and facelift surgery) are our niche, specifically natural rhinoplasty results. When talking to prospective patients, we hear several different types of motivating factors to have rhinoplasty surgery. Here are the top 5.
5. “I broke it.” Usually this occurs as a result of a car accident, but a large number occur as a result of athletic injuries. Most individuals just didn’t bother to have anything done to their nose at the time of the incident and thought it would be fine. Younger patients continue to engage in athletic activities after their nasal fracture so avoid repair since they risk another nasal injury. Nasal fractures can create an asymmetry of the nasal bones, can make the nose look off-center, and can interfere with a person’s breathing. If the nasal fracture is repaired in the first year, generally, it can be covered by insurance.
4. “I can’t breathe through it.” Deviated septums, enlarged inferior turbinates, recurrent sinus infections, nasal collapse from previous surgery or injury, or asymmetric development of the nasal cartilages can all contribute to breathing problems. Allergies are also a large cause for breathing problems but this cannot be fixed with surgery. Since breathing problems can sometimes involve a functional rhinoplasty, correcting any imperfections on the outside of the nose at the same time makes sense. The above issues are usually covered by your medical insurance; cosmetic improvement, if added, are additional but there is still a significant savings.
3. “My nose is crooked.” Crooked noses usually occur as a result of trauma but many individuals can be born with them. Crooked noses usually require a complete rhinoplasty because all of the structures have to be detached and reattached so the attachements are symmetric on either side after the cause of the crooked or twisted nose is corrected. Many times this is a deviated septum and an old nasal fracture that wasn’t repaired that causes the crookedness. Crooked or twisted noses require special attention and can recur if not repaired properly.
2. “I don’t like how big my tip is and it doesn’t match my face.” Improving nasal tips, whether its making it smaller, more feminine, symmetric, pushing it back because it’s too long, or lifting it because it’s droopy, is the most common change individuals request in my practice. Generally, an open rhinoplasty technique is required for these so the tip cartilages can be directly visualized, measured, and fashioned into the shape desired. Tip surgery is the biggest type of revision surgery we perform so choosing a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty (specializing in revision rhinoplasty would be a plus) is paramount.
1. “I don’t like my profile.” Having a hump or nose that sticks out to far from the face, followed by a small chin, are the most common reasons for wanting profile changes but this is the most common reasons cited in our consultation room. This can be commonly corrected through a closed approach (see our website for more on our ‘No Scar Rhinoplasty’). If seeing your photograph bothers you, this may be the reason why. Reducing a hump or pushing a nasal tip up or back can really improve the nasal angle and balance the side profile of your face.